Ok. Thaks a lot so far, getting a little hang of it.. So I have to drill out the old supports/brackets and attach the 2012 model Brackets but no dropkit needed?? Old brackets are kind of L Shaped and supporting the frame, Are the 2012 Brackets straight, so i coud attach them just little bit lower then in the picture shown before, also the rear shock front mount could be a 5 mm lower for 64mm Track... Didn´t find the 2012 brackets from the parts catalogs..Lynxmann skrev:Im sorry i dont have any pics of what i did because this was a customers sled. But basically i used the stock 2012 rear brackets on a 2011 sled. Whith the big lug kit for the 2012 the rear arm is moved a little foreward and the front mount for the rear shock is lowered and tilted a little down in the rear.
You can just use the measurements Rannerking have given to get it right exept you need to make sure it will clear the bigger track.

Edit. I did find them, i guess.. numbers 18 and 19 in the frame..